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A Map of Switzerland showing where Bassersdorf or Basserstroff is |
The Coat of Arms of Bassersdorf |
A Satellite view of Bassersdorf |
The town of Dubendorf, Switzerland, 5.6 KM from Bassersdorf |
Will of George Diefendorf |
Will of Henry Dievendorf |
Will of Jacob Dievendorf |
Generation 1: Hans Jacob Dubendorffer and Margaret Altorffer. They had 2 children.
Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1 [1]. He was born 1685 in Switzerland[2]. Arrival 1734 in Pennsylvania [1]. Naturalization on 03 May 1755.
Margaret Altorffer[3]. She was born on 29 Nov 1668 in Bassersdorf, Zurich, Switzerland [3].
Generation 2: Johannes Diefendorf and Lisabeth Keller. They were married 1725 in Bassersdorf Parish,Canton Zurich,,Switzerland[2]. They had 7 children.
Johannes Diefendorf-2 (Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1) [2]. He was born on 02 Feb 1701 in Bassersdorf, Zurich, Switzerland[2]. Immigration 1734 in Embrach Parish, Canton, Zurich, Switzerland. Naturalization on 11 Sep 1761[4, 5]. He died on 23 Feb 1791 in Canajoharie, Montgomery, New York, USA[6].
Lisabeth Keller[2]. She was born 1711 in Embrach Parish, Canton, Zurich, Switzerland[9, 3]. She died on 11 Mar 1788 in Canajoharie, Montgomery, New York, USA[9, 3].
Generaton 2: Hendrick Dieffendorf and Anna Rosina. They had 6 children.
Hendrick Dieffendorf-2 (Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). Emigration on 03 Jun 1710 in Nutton's Island, NY[7]. Naturalization on 11 Sep 1761[4, 5]. He died Bet. 24 Mar 1772–20 Aug 1783 in Canajoharie, Tryon County, NY. Will on 20 Aug 1773[8]. He was born in Switzerland[7].
Anna Rosina. She died Aft. 1790 [7].
Generation 3: Jacob Diefendorf and Christina Windecker. They were married on 29 Jul 1762 in Minden, Montgomery, New York, USA[6]. They had 12 children.
Jacob Diefendorf-3 (Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1) [10, 6]. Baptism on 06 Apr 1740[2, 11]. He was born on 01 May 1740 in Minden, Herkimer, New York, USA[6]. He died on 17 Nov 1818 in German Flats, Herkimer, New York, USA[6]. Military Service was Captain in the Palatine Battalion of the Tryon County Militia[6, 7].
Notes for Jacob Diefendorf: General Notes: Sponsors at Baptism: Jacob and Margret Ernhoud
Christina Windecker [9, 12]. She was born on 16 Oct 1745 in Minden, Montgomery, New York, USA[12]. She died on 22 Apr 1812 in , Montgomery, New York, USA[6].
Generation 3: George Dievendorf and Catharine Hendree. They had 3 childrenn 3:
George Dievendorf-3 (Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1) [3]. He was born on 01 Jan 1730[6]. Naturalization on 11 Sep 1761[5]. He died on 11 Aug 1816[6].
Catharine Hendree.
Generation 3: Johannes Diefendorf and Catharine Hess. They were married on 19 Apr 1768 in Stone Arabia, Herkimer, New York, USA[7]. They had 8 children
Johannes Diefendorf-3 (Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). He was born on 10 May 1742[6, 7]. He died on 26 Jul 1834[6]. Military Service was Private in Colonel Clyde's Regiment, Canajoharie, Tryon County Militia.
Catharine Hess is the daughter of Augustinus Hess and Anna Catharina Kassan. She was born on 02 Jul 1745. She died on 15 Dec 1838.
Generation 3: John Jacob Diefendorf and Catharine Windecker. They were married on 30 Nov 1771. They had 11 children.
John Jacob Diefendorf-3 (Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). He was born on 12 May 1747[6]. He died on 27 Mar 1839[6].
Catharine Windecker [6]. She was born on 05 Apr 1755. She died on 30 Jan 1826.
Generation 3: Jacob H. Diefendorf and Elizabeth Bellinger. They were married on 16 Mar 1762. They had 10 children.
Jacob H. Diefendorf-3 (Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1) [10]. He was born on 24 Jul 1740. He died on 23 Nov 1816.
Notes for Jacob H. Diefendorf: General Notes: Jacob Dievendorf
Feb 1st 1817 Will Proved Johnstown, Montgomery County, NY No Wife mentioned
Barnabah (Christian Bellinger) eldest daughter Catharine (widow Conrad Mowers)
Margaret (George Stowits) (son of George is Jacob Stowits) Elizabeth (Andrew Countryman)
Nancy (John Vosburgh) , Jacob, Henry
Granddaughters: Hannah Waggoner - daughter of Andrew Waggoner Elizabeth Dievendorf (dau of Henry) Elizabeth Dievendorf (dau of Jacob) Elizabeth (dau of John Vosburgh) ; Elizabeth (dau of Conrad Mowers) Nancy (dau of Conrad Mowers) , Grandsons: Jacob Mowers Jacob Vosburg, Jacob Dievendorf Jr (son of Henry Dievendorf)
Elizabeth Bellinger is the daughter of Philip Bellinger.
Generation 3: Henry Diefendorf and Honestine Myer. They had 8 children.
Henry Diefendorf-3 (Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). His death on 06 Aug 1777 in Oriskany, Oneida, New York, USA (Killed at Battle of Oriskany)[7]. Military Service was Captain - Colonel Samuel Campbell's Regiment - Tryon County Militia - American Revolution[7].
Honestine Myer.
Generation 3: John Wilson and Barbara Diefendorf. They had 5 children.
Barbara Diefendorf-3 (Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1).
John Wilson.
Generation 4: John Diefendorf and Margaretha Fox. Their marriage on 04 Apr 1786 in German Flatts, Herkimer, New York (Dutch Reformed Church of German Flatts)[13]. They had 11 children.
John Diefendorf-4 (Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1) [6]. He was born on 20 May 1763 in Minden, Montgomery, New York, USA[9]. He died on 04 Mar 1813[6].
Margaretha Fox is the daughter of Philip Fox. She was born on 08 Nov 1760 in Canajoharie, Montgomery, New York, USA. She died on 26 Nov 1823 in German Flatts, Herkimer, New York.
Generation 4: George Diefendorf and Catharina Fox. They were married Jul 1786 in Minden, Montgomery, New York, USA[7]. They had 8 children.
George Diefendorf-4 (Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1) [6, 14]. He was born on 27 Nov 1765 in Minden, Montgomery, New York, USA [9, 6, 14]. He died on 08 Nov 1824 in Danube, Herkimer, New York, USA[6, 14]. Occupation in Farmer and Inn Keeper[7].
Notes for George Diefendorf: General Notes:
Will of George Diefendorf
In the name of God amen, I George Diefendorf of the town of Maridus County of Montgomery and state of New York do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following….first of all I resign my soul into the hands of the almighty God, hoping and believing in a semiphron ? of my sin? In and by the --- and mediations of Jesus Christ and my body I commit to the earth from whence came, to the burial at the direction of my executors hereinafter named, and my worldy property I give bequeath and divide as follows- I give and bequeath unto my sons John and Abraham, and unto their heirs and assigns forever, all my homestead farm, together with all the islands which I own in the Mohawk river continuing about one hundred and fifty acres of land lying in the town of Minden in the county of Montgomery, to be equally divided between them having reference to quality as well as quantity, on the following conditions, that they my said sons John and Abraham, will jointly give a warrantee deed of two acres of land out of the aforesaid farm, in a square form, on and adjoining the Erie Canal, on the north side, as near in the center of my farm aforementioned as may be, also that my son Abraham will pay on his part to my son David (Daniel?), as soon as he may come of age, the sum of four hundred dollars in cash and also give him out of my personal property two good horse one which I have heretofore given him, and also give him one new wagon, and one new set of harnesses, and also that my son David shall have two years schooling, before he becomes of age, and all such ----- shall be paid out of my personal property - and also that my son John his heirs Ex-----, shall also pay to my son David, the sum of three hundred dollars in cash as soon as said David becomes of age, and on the foregoing conditions being amply fulfilled, that it is my will and desire that the title of the abovementioned homestead farm shall positively rest in them my son John W. Devendorf and Abraham Devendorf forever. I also give and bequeath unto my son Abraham aforesaid all my personal property of whatever? Name or nature? Also the equal one half of all damage which may be ----- to me, in consequence of the Erie Canal who all --- now in the ground on my farm abovementioned hereby excepting and --- all household furniture of whatever name or nature with beds and bedrugs my said son Abraham to have the above on the following conditions, that he shall pay all debts and lawful demands which may come against me of every name or nature over and above the one thousand dollars, which is to be paid by my five daughters, and also that he will, should --- ---- keep and maintain his mother during her natural life through or until her remarriage, in a decent and becoming manner both in sickness and in health , and also furnish? good clothing and every weapon? for my son David until he becomes of age. It is also to be understood that my daughter Polly is to have her onset?, and if any thing may be due to either of my daughters toward their onset?, that all such dues and arrears ---- be made up to them out of such personal property as divided to my son Abraham aforesaid, this onset? And arrearages of onsets?, to be made and allowed according to the best judgment of my wife Catharine-I also give and bequeath unto my five daughters namely Margaret the wife of Abraham Frolich, Betsey, widow of Maika Carver, Nancy the wife of David Klock, Catharine the wife of Cornelius Van Campesew?, and Polly my youngest daughter and unto them I their and every of their heirs and assigns forever, all that farm, lying shalls burk, in the town and county of Herkimer, its being the Methodist/Mohawk? Shunk? Farm (as called) containing about one hundred and seventy acres of land together with all the privileges and advantages therefrom, from and after the first day of April next, the whole of which to be equally divided among them my five daughters above named, having inference to quality as well as quantity, I also give to them my five daughters aforesaid the equal over half of all the damages which may be applied? To me in consequence of the Erie Canal, all the above I give to them my five daughters on the following conditions that they and each and every of them their or either of their heirs, executors be shall pay or cause to be paid unto my wife Catharine, Solomon Devendorf and my son John W. Devendorf for the purpose of discharging my debts, the sum of two hundred dollars each in three years from the time of taking possession of the farm aforesaid with the accrual united? Therein. It is also my will that all my household furniture and beds and bedrugs which I now own shall be and remain in the hands of my wife Catharine until she is willing to divide the same among my five daughters. It is also my desire that my said wife Catharine shall have the full management of all the property, bequeathed to my sons Abraham and David, until they each of them become of age, and that she may dispose of such personal property as may be reasonable , in order to pay off the debts which are to be paid by my son Abraham. Lastly, I do hereby commit and appoint my trusty and well beloved friend Solomon Devendorf and my son John W. Devendorf as Executors, and my wife Catharine Executrix, of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and disannulling all former wills and testaments, by me heretofore made, this and no other to be my last will and testament hoping and wishing that they (my executors) will see this my last will and testament executed according to the true interest and meaning thereof in witness whereof I have here unto and set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of July, one thousand eight hindred and twenty four.
George Devendorf L.S.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of, and in th presence of each other, who at his request and in his presence, have subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto.
John W. Hawn, Henry I. Crouse, Rudolph Devendorf.
Proved March 31, 1825. Family:
Wife Catharine
Sons: David/Daniel, Abraham, John W.
Daughters: Polly, Margaret (Abraham Frolich), Nancy (David Klock), Betsey (Maika Carver),
Catharine (Cornelius Van Campersen?)
Friends: Rudolph Devendorf, Solomon Devendorf
Catharina Fox[12]. She was born on 28 Nov 1767 in Palatine, Montgomery, New York, USA [12, 7]. She died on 16 Apr 1841 in Depauville, Jefferson, New York, USA[12].
Generation 4: Solomon Diefendorff and Christiana Diefendorf. They had 1 child.
Christiana Diefendorf-4 (Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). She was born on 28 Nov 1774. She died on 24 Feb 1853.
Solomon Diefendorff is the son of Henry Diefendorf and Honestine Myer. He was born on 24 Oct 1770. He died on 13 Jun 1850.
Generation 4: Jacob George Dievendorf and Elisabeth Pottman. They had 2 children.
Jacob George Dievendorf-4 (George Dievendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). He was born Abt. 1750.
Elisabeth Pottman.
Generation 4: Johannes Dievendorf and Catharina Hessin. They were married on 19 Apr 1768 in Stone Arabia, Herkimer, New York, USA[15]. They had 1 child.
Johannes Dievendorf-4 (George Dievendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). He was born Abt. 1745.
Catharina Hessin. She was born Abt. 1745.
Generation 4: John Diefendorf and Maria Failing. They had 11 children.
John Diefendorf-4 (John Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). He was born on 16 Sep 1774. He died on 17 Dec 1860.
Maria Failing is the daughter of Henry Failing and Catharine Dygert. She was born 1776. She died on 25 Apr 1858.
Generation 4: Conrad Mowers and Catherine Diefendorf. They had 3 children.
Catherine Diefendorf-4 (Jacob H. Diefendorf-3, Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[10]. She was born on 09 Apr 1766. She died 1817.
Conrad Mowers [10].
Generation 4: Andrew Countryman and Elizabeth Diefendorf. They were married on 29 May 1793. They had 1 child.
Elizabeth Diefendorf-4 (Jacob H. Diefendorf-3, Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[10].
Andrew Countryman [10].
Generation 4: George Stowitz and Margaret Diefendorf. They had 1 child.
Margaret Diefendorf-4 (Jacob H. Diefendorf-3, Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). She was born on 03 Oct 1767.
George Stowitz [10].
Generation 4: John Vosburgh and Nancy Diefendorf. They had 1 child.
Nancy Diefendorf-4 (Jacob H. Diefendorf-3, Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). She was born in New York. She died in New York.
John Vosburgh [10].
Generation 4: Henry Jacob Dievendorf and Margaret Lyker. They had 2 children.
Henry Jacob Dievendorf-4 (Jacob H. Diefendorf-3, Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). He was born on 08 Apr 1780.
Margaret Lyker.
Generation 4: Andrew Waggoner and Anna Rosina Dievendorf. They were married on 15 Mar 1796 in Reformed Dutch Church Fort Plain Minden Montgomery, NY. They had 1 child.
Anna Rosina Dievendorf-4 (Jacob H. Diefendorf-3, Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[10]. She was born on 05 Jul 1774. She died on 11 Jul 1797[10].
Andrew Waggoner [10].
Generation 4: Solomon Diefendorff and Christiana Diefendorf. They had 1 child.
Solomon Diefendorff-4 (Henry Diefendorf-3, Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). He was born on 24 Oct 1770. He died on 13 Jun 1850.
Christiana Diefendorf is the daughter of Jacob Diefendorf and Christina Windecker. She was born on 28 Nov 1774. She died on 24 Feb 1853.
Generation 4: Henry Dievendorf and Barbara Sanders. They had 3 children.
Henry Dievendorf-4 (Henry Diefendorf-3, Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1) [16]. He was born 1772. He died 1834 in Minden, Montgomery, New York.
Notes for Henry Dievendorf: General Notes: Henry Diefendorf will - Wife: Barbara
Youngest son Cornelius Diefendorf Sanders Diefendorf
John Abraham David Charles Daniel
Anna the wife of Henry Ellsworth? grandchildren:
Caty Lucinda Maria Jacob Henry
Abraham Crown?
Barbara Sanders.
Henry Dievendorf and Maria Fox. They were married 1792[7]. They had 1 child
Maria Fox. She was born 1777. She died 1796..
Henry Dievendorf and Nancy Lipe. They had 6 children.
Nancy Lipe. She was born on 11 Jan 1775. She died on 07 Feb 1809.
Generation 5: Aaron Crego and Nancy Diefendorf. They were married 1811[17]. They had 10 children.
Nancy Diefendorf-5 (John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[17, 18]. She was born on 18 Oct 1784[19]. She died on 24 Mar 1863 in Hunts Corners, Erie Co, NY.
Aaron Crego is the son of John S Crego and Jane Stranahan [21, 22, 23, 17, 18]. His birth 1787 (Warren, Herkimer Co, NY)[21, 22, 23, 17, 18]. Soldier 1812 in War of 1812. Residence 1860 (Newstead, Erie, New York)[23]. He died on 08 Nov 1864 in Hunts Corners, Erie Co, NY[21, 17, 18].
Generation 5: Gibson J Stranahan and Dollie Diefendorf. They were married Bef. 1810. They had 1 child.
Dollie Diefendorf-5 (John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). She was born on 20 Mar 1789[6]. She died Aft. 1860.
Gibson J Stranahan is the son of John Stranahan and Lucy Buck [30, 31, 32]. His birth on 21 Jul 1786 (Canaan, Columbia Co, NY)[6, 30]. Residence 1850 in Concord, Erie, Pennsylvania[30]. Burial 1869 in Evergreen Cemetery, Union City. His death on 31 Jan 1869 (Concord, Erie Co, PA).
Generation 5: George Crouse and Maria Dievendorf. They had 5 children.
Maria Dievendorf-5 (Henry Dievendorf-4, Henry Diefendorf-3, Hendrick Dieffendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). She was born 1793. She died on 27 Sep 1830.
George Crouse.
Generation 6: Ralph Sutphin and Margaret Crego. They were married 1833 in New York, USA[24]. They had 5 children.
Margaret Crego-6 (Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[24]. She was born on 07 Jul 1813 in New York, USA[6].
Ralph Sutphin [6]. He was born 1815 in New York, USA [24]. He died on 14 Mar 1864 in Gratiot, Michigan, USA[24].
Generation 6: . Samuel Brown and Jane Crego. They had 2 children.
Jane Crego-6 (Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[6]. She was born on 10 Dec 1811[17]
Samuel Brown..
Ensign Noble and Jane CregoThey had no children.
Ensign Noble[6].
Generation 6: Aaron B. Crego and Charity Van Tine. They were married on 27 Apr 1859[18]. They had 5 children.
Aaron B. Crego-6 (Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[17, 25, 6]. He was born on 18 May 1821 in Clarence, Erie,
New York, USA[17, 18]. Enlisted on 29 Aug 1864 in Union Army, Civil War, Jackson, MI. Residence 1870 (Atlas, Genesee, Michigan)[25]. He died on 03 Apr 1906 in Flint, Genesee, Michigan, USA[17,
Charity Van Tine [18].
Eliza Davidson [6].
Aaron B. Crego and Eliza Davidson. They were married on 27 Apr 1859. They had 1 child.
Generation 6: Horace B. Mitchell and Dolly Crego. They had 5 children.
Dolly Crego-6 (Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[17, 26]. She was born on 18 Jul 1823[6, 26]. Residence Bet. 1870–1880 in Royalton. She died Bet. 1881–1900 in Niagara County, New York.
Notes for Dolly Crego: General Notes: 1850 Census for Royalton, Niagara County- Horace and Dolly live next door to Gibson Crego and his wife. Gibson was Dolly's brother. Wife is listed as Laura, not Lena. Also next door on the other side is a Samuel Brown, age 23 - could be the same Samuel Brown who married Dolly's sister Jane Crego?
Horace B. Mitchell [6, 26, 33, 34]. He was born Dec 1817 in Ontario, Canada[33, 34]. Residence 1880 in Royalton, Niagara, New York, United States[26].
Generation 6: George C. Crego and Fanny Kroll. They had 2 children.
George C. Crego-6 (Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[17, 27]. He was born on 02 Feb 1827[28, 27]. Census 1850 (Newstead, NY, pg 228). Residence 1850 (Newstead, NY). He died on 25 Nov 1907 in Hunts Corner, Erie, New York, USA[6, 28].
Fanny Kroll [6, 27]. She was born 1831 in New York [27]. Residence 1880 in Newstead, Erie, New York, United States[27].
Generation 6: Jacob D. Crego and Anna O'Connell. They had 2 children.
Jacob D. Crego-6 (Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[17, 29]. His birth on 19 Mar 1835 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY)[29]. He died on 17 Apr 1895 in Lockport, Niagara, New York, USA[17]. Residence 1897 in 130 Spalding Street, Lockport NY.
Anna O'Connell. Her birth on 27 Dec 1841 (NY). She died on 31 Mar 1915 in Lockport, Niagara Co NY.
Notes for Anna O'Connell: General Notes: 1900 census she is living with Aaron and his wife, and census indicates her parents were born in Scotland
Generation 7: George Gerard Crego and Matilda Park. They had 3 children.
George Gerard Crego-7 (Aaron B. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[18]. He was born on 20 Apr 1862 in Atlas, Genesee, Michigan, USA[18]. He died on 05 Dec 1944 in Flint, Genesee, Michigan, USA[18].
Matilda Park.
Generation 7:Florence. She was born Jul 1859. Frank Crego and Florence. They had 4 children.
Frank Crego-7 (George C. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[27]. He was born May 1854[27]. Residence 1880 in Newstead, Erie, New York, United States[27].
Generation 7: Frank Crego and Ernestine Augustine Wilhelmina Damerow. They were married Abt. 1888. They had 1 child.
Frank Crego-7 (Jacob D. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[35, 36, 37, 38]. His birth on 12 Mar 1864 (Newstead, Erie County NY)[35, 36, 37, 38]. Town Justice Bet. 1881–1886 (Newstead, Erie County NY). Residence 1910 in 294 Locust Street. Occupation 1930 (Painter & Paperhanger). Census 1930 in Block 298 (4th Ward Lockport). Burial 1940 in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport NY. His death on 06 Nov 1940 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY).
Ernestine Augustine Wilhelmina Damerow is the daughter of Gottfried Wilhelm Damerow and Frederika Justine Brauer?[39, 40, 36]. She was born on 18 Jul 1867 in Karpzow, Uckermark, Prussia?
[39, 36]. Immigration 1873 in according to 1930 US Census. Arrival on 16 Oct 1873 (New York) [39]. Confirmation 1881 in St. Johannes Evan. Lutheran Church, St. Johnsburg, NY. Residence 1910 in 294 Locust Street. Naturalization 1930 in NOT naturalized on 1930 Census. Burial 1940 in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport NY. Her death on 01 Apr 1940 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY). Departure in Hamburg, Germany and Southampton, England[39]. Custom in Germany[39]. DESTINATION was United States of America[39].
Generation 7: Aaron Crego and Anna Jellings. They had 7 children
Aaron Crego-7 (Jacob D. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). He was born on 22 Jun 1861. Occupation 1898 (Painter & Paperhanger). Residence 1900 in 163 Mulberry Street. He died on 30 Nov 1909.
Anna Jellings. Her birth Jul 1866 (New York). Burial 1921 in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport NY. Her death on 20 Feb 1941 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY). Notes for Anna Jellings: General Notes: arents born in England according to 1900 census .
Generation 8: William Jacob Crego and Genevieve Cecilia Kirkman. They were married on 30 Jan 1919 in St Joseph's Old Cathedral, Buffalo NY. They had 8 children
William Jacob Crego-8 (Frank Crego-7, Jacob D. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1)[41, 42, 36]. His birth on 07 Jul 1894 (NY)[41, 42, 36]. Residence 1930 in Lockport, Niagara, New York[36]. Occupation 1930 (Policeman - Lockprt Police Dept). His death on 06 Feb 1990 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY)[42].
Genevieve Cecilia Kirkman is the daughter of Matthias Kirchman and Rose Elizabeth Riegle [43]. She was born on 28 Apr 1898 in Swormville, Erie Co, NY[43]. Her death on 26 Aug 1983 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY)[43].
Generation 8: Alva Crego and Marion Margaret Stewart. They had 3 children.
Alva Crego-8 (George Gerard Crego-7, Aaron B. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1).
Marion Margaret Stewart.
Generation 8: Howard B. Crego and Viola Schultz. They had 1 child.
Howard B. Crego-8 (Aaron Crego-7, Jacob D. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). He was born on 02 Jun 1893. He died on 09 Mar 1961. Nickname in "Deck".
Viola Schultz.
Generation 8: Allen Saunders and Priscilla Crego. They had 1 child.
Priscilla Crego-8 (Aaron Crego-7, Jacob D. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). She was born Dec 1895. She died on 02 Aug 1958.
Allen Saunders.
Generation 8: Edward Mulvey and May Belle Crego. They had 1 child.
May Belle Crego-8 (Aaron Crego-7, Jacob D. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). She was born Mar 1898. She died on 09 Apr 1958.
Edward Mulvey.
Generation 8: Charles Locher and Maretta Crego. They had 1 child.
Maretta Crego-8 (Aaron Crego-7, Jacob D. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). She died on 28 Dec 1997.
Charles Locher.
Generation 8: Albert Woods and Azalea Crego. They had 2 children.
Azalea Crego-8 (Aaron Crego-7, Jacob D. Crego-6, Nancy Diefendorf-5, John Diefendorf-4, Jacob Diefendorf-3, Johannes Diefendorf-2, Hans Jacob Dubendorffer-1). She was born on 23 Apr 1908. She died on 24 Mar 1972.
Albert Woods. He was born on 22 Jul 1905. He died on 29 Oct 1993.