Generation 1: Dierck Cornelius De Duyster and unknown spouse. They had 1 child.
Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1[1]. Occupation 1689 in Fort Orange (Commissary).
- Cornelius De Duyster[1, 2]. He was born 1630[2].
Generation 2: Cornelius De Duyster and Leonora. They had 5 children.
Cornelius De Duyster-2 (Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1) [1, 2]. He was born 1630 [2]. Leonora[2]. She was born 1645 in Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA [3, 4]. Death (Nys)[3, 4].
- Roelof De Duyster[5]. He was born Bet. 1669–1670 in Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA[5, 1]. He married Jannetje Bresie. They were married on 17 Nov 1700 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA[5, 1]. Residence 1714 in Dover Plains, Dutchess, New York, USA[1]. Census 1714 in Dutchess County, New York[1]. His death on 19 Jan 1737 (Salisbury, Connecticut, USA)[5, 1]. Military Service was 1686-87: Private in Capt. Matthys Matthysen's Company[5, 1, 2].
- Derrick De Duyster[1]. He married Jannitje Bont. Their marriage on 19 Nov 1699 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA (Kingston Church Records)[1].
- David De Duyster[1].
- Cornelia De Duyster[1]
- Catharine De Duyster[1].
Generation 3: Roelof De Duyster and Jannetje Bresie. They were married on 17 Nov 1700 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA[5, 1]. They had 8 children.
Roelof De Duyster-3 (Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1) [5]. He was born Bet. 1669–1670 in Marbletown, Ulster, New York, USA[5, 1]. Residence 1714 in Dover Plains, Dutchess, New York, USA[1]. Census 1714 in Dutchess County, New York[1]. His death on 19 Jan 1737 (Salisbury, Connecticut, USA)[5, 1]. Military Service was 1686-87: Private in Capt. Matthys Matthysen's Company[5, 1, 2]. Read his Will
Notes for Roelof De Duyster: General Notes:
12. Roelof' De Duytscher (Jan, No. 3, William, No. i), b. at Marbletown, Ulster Co., N. Y.; d. 19 Jan., 1737; mar. banns 17 Nov., 1700 (K. M., 164), Jannetje Bresie (Brusy, Brisse, Bressy, Bresjes, Brosie, Brusie, Pressy, Prusie, Cressy), dau. of Christopher Bresie of the jurisdiction of Albany, and later a farmer at " Rulphian Kill" (Rulof Jansen's Kill?), near Livingstone Manor, Columbia Co., N. Y., and Christina Claeszen, i. e., Christina, dau. of Nicholas, his wife. The family now, generally, bears the name Brusie. The brothers and sisters of Jannetje were numerous, and include Andries, who m. Engeltje Claeuw, 13 July, 1707, at Albany; Claertje or Clara, who m. Abraham Vosburg, by 1705; Nicholas, who m. Catalyntje Bond (see under No. 10), 8 Sept., 1706, at Poughkeepsie (Albany D. Ch. Record); Antje; Cornells and Michiel, twins, bap. 2 July, 1686, at Albany; Mar- griet, bap. 16 May, 1690, at Albany; m. Ephraim Roos; Marie, bap. 27 Dec., 1691, at Albany; Geertruy, bap. 14 Jan., 1694, at Albany; m. Gerrit Decker; and Gabriel. From the Bresie family the names Christopher, Gabriel and Christina became common among Roelof de Duytscher's descendants. Mr. Henry Whitte- more's De Duytscher Genealogy, copies of which are in the N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Society, N. Y. Historical, and Lenox Libraries is devoted to certain of the descendants of Roelof, and I have to thank Mr. Arthur Wickwire of N. Y. City, for his notes, prepared for that work. Roelof is, probably, the " rullof Johnson " who 1686-7 was private in Capt. Matthys Matthysen's Company with "John Willemson " as corporal (1897, N. Y. State Historical Report, 2-451), at Kingston. In 1711, he and his brother David were volunteers on " Ye Expedition agst Canada " (Id., 2-441), thus thoughtfully entitling their descendants to membership in various Societies of Colonial Wars. 30 Nov., 1715, under Sergeant William White (father of Joshua White, No. 53), he, and his wife's brothers, Nicholas and Gabriel Bresie, and his son-in-law Joshua White, No. 53, were in the Livingstone Manor Independent Company (Id., 2-523). In the census of 1714, he and his household, including one slave, is given (Hist, of Dutchess Co., 60). In 1720, or prior thereto, he was in Salisbury, Conn., where it is said, that he with John Dyckman, Abraham Van Deusen and Laur. Knickerbocker bought land, supposing it was within the New York borders (Rudd's Hist. Sketch of Salisbury, Conn., and Hist, of Litchfield Co. Conn., 520, 521). De Dcutscher Genealogy gives a deed in full for 150 acres at New Milford, Conn., to Roelof, Aug. 29, 1720. In 1722 he and his wife appear at Linlithgo, Col. Co., N. Y., as sponsors to a child of his wife's sister, Clara Vosburgh (b. Bresie), and in 1727 at Claverack to a son of Abraham Van Deusen, supra. His land on the west side of the "Owsatunnock " River is mentioned, 26 May, 1726 (Conn. Col. Records, 7, p. 40). 8 Feb., 1729, by a " Margarett vote" at Westbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., he was elected to mark and record the horses, and 26 Feb., 1729, he took the oath of office (Orcutt's New Milford, 134, 135). He died, a large land owner, 19 Jan., 1737, his will, drawn in English, being proved 9 June, 1737, Rulof making his mark. The widow and sons were taxed on ^330. De Deutscher Genealogy gives the will in full, also a family compromise because of a codicil. The widow died the 26 July, 1749. Rulof was a Weataug pioneer, a competent farmer, and his sons showed the upward tendency which has made our country a nation of ascent, not descent. Many descendants are still in Connecticut and Vermont. The military instinct was peculiarly strong, and the Revolutionary members include Capt. Roelof Dutcher of Connecticut. - The New York genealogical and biographical record, Volume 41
Jannetje Bresie is the daughter of Christopher Bresie and Christina Claeszen[5, 1]. She was born 1679 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA[5]. She died on 26 Jul 1749 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA[5, 1].
- Margaret De Duyster[5, 1]. She was born on 07 May 1710 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[5, 1]. She married Stephen Crego. They were married on 07 May 1741 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, USA. She died on 06 Aug 1771 in Dutchess, New York, USA[6, 5]. She was also known as Margrietjen Duytscher[7].
- Gabriel De Duyster[1]. He was born on 15 Jul 1720 [1]. He died 1793 [3]
- Johannes De Duytser[5, 1]. He was born Abt. 1708 in Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA[5]. Baptism on 25 Jan 1708 in Albany, New York, USA[5, 1]. He married Catrina Bogardus. They were married on 24 Jun 1726 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY [1].
- Christena Dutcher[5, 1]. She was born Abt. 1703. Baptism on 08 Aug 1703 in Albany, New York, USA[5]
- Christoffel De Duyster[1]. He was born 1705 [1]. Baptism on 15 Jul 1705 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Cornelius De Duyster[1]. He was born 1712 [1].
- Ruluff De Duyster[1]. He was born 1716 [1].
- Johannes De Duyster[1]. Baptism on 21 Sep 1701 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1]. He was born 1708[1]. Death (Died Young)[1].
Generation 3: Derrick De Duyster and Jannitje Bont. Their marriage on 19 Nov 1699 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA (Kingston Church Records)[1]. They had 9 children.
Derrick De Duyster-3 (Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1) [1]. Jannitje Bont. She was born in Schenectady, New York, USA [1].
- Margaret De Duyster. She was born 1700 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 15 Sep 1700 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Johannes De Duyster[1]. He was born 1702 in Ulster, New York, USA. Baptism on 04 Oct 1702 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Henricus De Duyster[1]. He was born 1704 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 03 Sep 1704 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Lea De Duyster[1]. She was born 1706 in Ulster, New York, USA. Baptism on 01 Dec 1706 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- David De Duyster[1]. He was born 1709 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 16 Sep 1709 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Cornelius De Duyster[1]. He was born 1711 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 17 Jun 1711 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Catrina De Duyster[1]. She was born 1714 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 07 Feb 1714 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Rachel De Duyster[1]. She was born 1717 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 18 May 1717 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Maria De Duyster. She was born 1719 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 5 Jul 1719 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
Generation 3: David De Duyster and Leonard de Hoges. Marriage Bann on 02 Jun 1714 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1]. They had 1 child.
David De Duyster-3 (Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1) [1].
Leonard de Hoges.
- Margaret De Duyster[1]. She was born 1693 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 23 Apr 1693 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
Generation 3: Jan Wels and Cornelia De Duyster. They had 3 children.
Cornelia De Duyster-3 (Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1) [1].
Jan Wels[1].
- Richard Wels. He was born 1694 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 08 Jun 1694 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Jan Wels[1]. He was born 1701 in Ulster, New York, USA. Baptism on 28 Dec 1701 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Samuel Wels[1]. He was born 1704 in Ulster, New York, USA. Baptism on 12 Mar 1704 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
Generation 3: Jan Roelan and Catharine De Duyster. They had 3 children.
Catharine De Duyster-3 (Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1) [1].
Jan Roelan[1].
- Johannes Roelan. He was born 1701 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 13 Apr 1701 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Joel Roelan[1]. He was born 1703 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 07 Jan 1703 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Lucas Roelan. He was born 1694 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 03 Jun 1694 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].

Generation 4: Stephen Crego and Margaret Dutcher. They were married on 07 May 1741 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, USA. They had 5 children.
Margaret Dutcher-4 (Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[5, 1]. She was born on 07 May 1710 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[5, 1]. She died on 06 Aug 1771 in Dutchess, New York, USA[6, 5]. She was also known as Margrietjen Duytscher[7].
Stephen Crego is the son of Josias Crego and Annetje (Ann) /Elsworth Ellsworth [8, 9, 10]. He was born 1705 in Dover, Dutchess, New York, USA[10]. Residence 1737 in Dutchess County, New York (On Freeholders of Dutchess County NY List)[7, 11]. He died 1760 in Crum Elbow, Dutchess Co, NY[8, 6]. He was also known as Stephanus Crigo[7].
Notes for Stephen Crego: General Notes: Page 391.-" The last Will and Testament of Stephen Crego is as followeth." I, Stephen Crego, of Crum Elbow Precinct, in Duchess County, being at this time sick. My executors are to call in all debts and sell all movable estate and pay all debts. I leave to my son Richard my gun and % of all my Smith and Carpenter tools. I leave to my son John a sorrel mare and the other half of the tools. I leave to my wife Margaret the use of a negro man and two horses and wagons, etc., and the use of half the house, during her widowhood, and ^ of the movable estate. I leave to my sons, Richard and John, all lands and tenements which I have in Crum Elbow Precinct, as by my deeds, and all my lands in Beekman's Precinct, which I hold by lease from Col. Henry Beekman. But my wife is to have the use of ^, and they are to pay to my honored mother for her support and maintainance £5 each, yearly. I leave to my daughter Jane 5 shillings. Of the remainder of my movable estate I leave J each, to my son Richard, and my daughters Margaret and Ann. I make my wife and sons executors. April 19, 1760. Witnesses, John Bartow, Joseph Hoff, Benjamin Barto. Proved, December 2, 1760, before Bartholemew Crannel, Surrogate of Duchess County.
- Richard Crego[12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. His birth Abt. 1732 (Dutchess County, NY)[13, 14, 16, 17, 18]. He married Mary Losee. They were married on 01 Feb 1754 in Rumbout Presbyterian Church, Dutchess Co NY. Christening on 22 Jan 1758 in Rumbout,Columbia,NY[14]. Residence 1800 in Canaan, Columbia, New York[15]. Will on 09 Aug 1806 in will was dated Canaan, Columbia Co., NY, Aug 9 1806; probated May 30, 1815[19]. He died on 13 May 1815 in Canaan, Columbia, New York, USA[14]. Probate on 13 May 1815 (Canaan, Columbia Co., NY)[19].
- Jannetje (Jane) Crego[9, 20]. She was born on 24 Sep 1734 in Pieter Lossings[9, 20]. She died 1760 [9, 20].
- Jan (John) Crego[9]. He was born on 27 May 1739 in Dutchess, New York, USA [10]. He married Mary Hollenbeck. They were married 1780 [10]. Residence 1790 in Shoreham, Addison, Vermont[10]. He died on 02 Mar 1813 in , Oneida, New York, USA[10].
- Margaret Crego. She was born May 1741 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, USA[7, 9]. She died on 18 Oct 1810 in Dutchess, New York, USA[9]. She was also known as Margrietjen Crigo[7]. Notes for Margaret Crego: General Notes: Baptism May 27, 1741
- Ann Crego [9]. She was born 1733 in Nine Partners, Dutchess, New York, USA [9]
Generation 4: Johannes De Duytser and Catrina Bogardus. Marriage Bann on 05 Jun 1726 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1]. They were married on 24 Jun 1726 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1]. They had 7 children.
Johannes De Duytser-4 (Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[5, 1]. He was born Abt. 1708 in Hurley, Ulster, New York, USA[5]. Baptism on 25 Jan 1708 in Albany, New York, USA[5, 1].
Catrina Bogardus.
- Rachel De Duytser[1]. She was born 1727 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 21 May 1727[1].
- Lydia De Duytser[1]. She was born 1728 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 1 Dec 1728 in Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA[1].
- Dirk De Duytser[1]. He was born 1730 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 5 May 1730 in Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, USA[1].
- Jannitje De Duytser[1]. She was born Bet. 1730–1734 in Ulster, New York, USA [1].
- Jeremias De Duytser[1]. He was born 1734 in Ulster, New York, USA [1].
- Catrina De Duytser[1]. She was born 1741 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 12 Jul 1741 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
- Zara De Duytser[1]. She was born 1748 in Ulster, New York, USA [1]. Baptism on 31 Jan 1748 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
Generation 4: Joshua White and Christena Dutcher. They had 1 child.
Christena Dutcher-4 (Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[5, 1]. She was born Abt. 1703. Baptism on 08 Aug 1703 in Albany, New York, USA[5].
Joshua White is the son of William White[1].
- Jannitjen White [1]. She was born 1722. Baptism on 26 Jul 1722 in Kingston, Albany Co, NY[1].
Generation 5: Richard Crego and Mary Losee. They were married on 01 Feb 1754 in Rumbout Presbyterian Church, Dutchess Co NY. They had 10 children.
Richard Crego-5 (Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. His birth Abt. 1732 (Dutchess County, NY)[13, 14, 16, 17, 18]. Christening on 22 Jan 1758 in Rumbout,Columbia,NY[14]. Residence 1800 in Canaan, Columbia, New York[15]. Will on 09 Aug 1806 in will was dated Canaan, Columbia Co., NY, Aug 9 1806; probated May 30, 1815[19]. He died on 13 May 1815 in Canaan, Columbia, New York, USA[14]. Probate on 13 May 1815 (Canaan, Columbia Co., NY)[19].
Notes for Richard Crego: General Notes:
Children named in his will were John, Richard, Joseph, David, George, Chauncey, Peggy (Margaret, wife of Jabez Crippen), Mary, wife of William Ventress, son Stephen deceased who left children, Anna, wife of John Stranahan, Stephen Jr., Cyrus and Durlin. The widow Molly survived him. The son Abraham is not mentioned in the abstract. REF: New York Record, Vol. 69, p. 285: Will dated 1806, probate May 30, 1815. "Richard Crego, son of Stephen and Margaret (Dutcher) Crego, (made his "earmark" at Crum Elbow 1742). His will was dated Canaan, Columbia Co., NY, Aug 7, 1806; probated May 13, 1815. He m. Feb. 1, 1754, Mary Losee at Rumbout NY with Chauncey Graham V.D.M. officiating. Children named in his will were John, Richard, Joseph, David, George, Chauncey, Peggy (Margaret, wife of Jabez Crippen), Mary, wife of William Ventress, son Stephen deceased who left children, Anna, wife of John Stranahan, Stephen Jr., Cyrus and Durlin. The widow Molly survived him. The son Abraham is not mentioned in the abstract.
Mary Losee is the daughter of Abraham Losee and Anna Dorland [12, 21, 13, 22, 14, 16, 18]. She was born on 30 Jul 1738 in Beekman, Dutchess, New York, USA[21, 13, 22, 16, 18]. She died 1806 in New York,
USA[12, 21, 13, 22, 16].
Notes for Mary Losee: General Notes: New York Genealogical Records, 1675-1920 about Mary Losee
Name: Mary Losee Event: Baptized Year: 1738 Place: Hempstead County: Queens Province: New York
Source: The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record (quarterly-1879) - Extracts Publisher: New York Genealogical and Biographical SocietyPublication info: New York, Ny. Additional info: Also available on microfilm at Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Page: 17 Rumbout NY with Chauncey Graham V.D.M. officiating
- John S Crego[13, 23]. He was born 1768 in Dutchess, New York, USA[13, 23]. He married Jane Stranahan. They were married 1786 in Canaan, Columbia, New York, USA[13]. He died 1810 in Warren, Herkimer, New York, USA[13, 23].
- Abraham Crego[12, 24]. He was born on 22 Jan 1758[24]. Baptism on 22 Jan 1758 [24]. He married Mary Stranahan. They were married 1784 [12]. Residence on 01 Jun 1840 in Chenango, New York, USA[25, 24]. He died on 27 Mar 1843 in Sherburne, Chenango, New York, USA[12].
- Josias Crego [26]. He was born Apr 1759 in Rumbout, NY[7, 26]. Baptism on 22 Apr 1759 in Presbyterian Church, Rumbout, NY[7, 26]. Residence in New York[26].
- Mary Crego[21, 14]. She was born on 02 Jul 1764 in Rumbout, Dutchess, New York, USA[21, 14]. Her death on 21 Aug 1852 (, Clinton, Ohio, USA)[21, 14].
- Richard Crego [27]. He was born Mar 1756 in Rumbout, NY. Baptism on 14 Mar 1756 in Presbyterian Church, Rumbout, NY[7]. He died on 17 Oct 1851 in Brainard NY[27].
- Stephen Crego[28, 18]. Baptism on 20 Mar 1756[28]. He was born on 20 Mar 1756 in Fishkill, Dutchess, New York[28, 18]. He died Abt. 1803[18]. Residence in New York[28].
- Margaret Crego. She was born on 22 Apr 1759.
- David Crego[16, 29, 30]. He was born 1773 in Columbia, New York, USA[16, 30]. Residence 1860 in Claverack, Columbia, New York[29]. He died on 04 Mar 1869 [16].
- George Crego [17]. He was born 1777 in New York [31, 17]. Residence 1850 in New Lebanon, Columbia, New York[31].
- Chauncey Crego [32]. He was born 1768 in New York [32].
Generation 5: Jan (John) Crego and Mary Hollenbeck. They were married 1780[10]. They had 4 children.
Jan (John) Crego-5 (Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[9]. He was born on 27 May 1739 in Dutchess, New York, USA[10]. Residence 1790 in Shoreham, Addison, Vermont[10]. He died on 02 Mar 1813 in , Oneida, New York, USA[10].
Mary Hollenbeck [10]. She was born 1760 [10]. She died on 30 Nov 1826 [10].
- Margaret Crego [10]. She was born 1790 in Vermont, USA [10].
- Abraham Crego [10]. He was born 1785 in Shoreham, Addison, Vermont, USA [10].
- John H Crego [10]. He was born 1783 in Shoreham, Addison, Vermont, USA [10]. He died on 23 Aug 1867 in Honey Creek, Walworth, Wisconsin, USA[10].
- Polly Crego [10]. She was born 1780 in Dutchess, New York, USA [10]. She died on 15 Mar 1856[10].
Jan (John) Crego and unknown spouse. They had 2 children.
- Betsy Crego [10].
- William Crego [10]. He was born on 03 Jan 1766 in Old Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut[10]. Residence 1820 in Decatur, Otsego, New York, United States[10]. He died on 29 Apr 1847 in Turin, Lewis, New York[10].
Generation 6: John S Crego and Jane Stranahan. They were married 1786 in Canaan, Columbia, New York, USA[13]. They had 7 children.
John S Crego-6 (Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[13, 23]. He was born 1768 in Dutchess, New York, USA [13, 23]. He died 1810 in Warren, Herkimer, New York, USA [13, 23].
Jane Stranahan is the daughter of John Stranahan and Lucy Buck [13, 23]. Her birth 1770 (Amenia, Dutchess Co NY). Her death on 23 Dec 1843 (Jackson Co MI).
- Aron Crego[13, 33, 34, 23, 35]. His birth 1787 (Warren, Herkimer Co, NY)[13, 33, 34, 23, 35]. He married Nancy Diefendorf. They were married 1811[23]. Soldier 1812 in War of 1812. Residence 1860 (Newstead, Erie, New York)[34]. He died on 08 Nov 1864 in Hunts Corners, Erie Co, NY[13, 23, 35].
- Richard Crego [13]. He was born on 24 Dec 1788 in Warren, Herkimer, New York, USA[13]. He married Martha Gallup. Their marriage on 16 Jun 1813 (Clarence, Erie Co, NY). His death on 18 May 1865 (Columbia Township, Jackson, Michagan, USA)[13].
- John Crego [13]. He was born 1793 in Dutchess, New York, USA [13]. He died on 12 May 1863 in Brooklyn, Jackson, Michigan, USA[13].
- Lucy Crego [13]. She was born on 21 Feb 1795 in New York, USA [13]. She married William Gallup. Their marriage on 08 Aug 1812 (Clarence, Erie Co, NY). Her death on 06 Mar 1882 (Columbia Township, Jackson, Michigan, USA)[13].
- James S Crego. He was born 1797.
- Henry Crego [13]. He was born on 12 Jun 1799 in Arren, Herkimer, New York, USA[13]. He married Eliza Hodges. Their marriage on 01 Jan 1822 (Buffalo, Erie Co, NY). His death on 04 Mar 1890 (Jefferson, Cass Co, MI).
- Polly S Crego [13]. She was born 1805 [13]. She died 1891 [13].
Generation 6:Abraham Crego and Mary Stranahan. They were married 1784[12]. They had 9 children.
Abraham Crego-6 (Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[12, 24]. Baptism on 22 Jan 1758[24]. He was born on 22 Jan 1758[24]. Residence on 01 Jun 1840 in Chenango, New York, USA[25, 24]. He died on 27 Mar 1843 in Sherburne, Chenango, New York, USA[12].
Mary Stranahan [12]. She was born 1764 in Scituate, Providence, Rhode Island, USA [12]. She died on 27 Mar 1843 in Sherburne, Herkimer, New York, USA[12].
- Abram J Crego [12]. He was born on 27 Oct 1796 in Herkimer, New York, USA [12]. He died on 24 Nov 1859 in Jackson, Michigan, USA[12].
- Lucy Crego [12]. She was born on 11 Nov 1785 in Dutchess, New York, USA [12]. She died on 23 Apr 1854[12].
- Nancy Crego [12]. She was born 1789 in Dutchess, New York, USA [12].
- Daniel Crego [12]. He was born on 30 Apr 1801 in Dutchess, New York, USA [12]. He died on 31 Oct 1892 in De Kalb, Illinois, USA[12].
- Jane Crego [12]. She was born on 24 Apr 1794 in Dutchess, New York, USA [12].
- Rudolph Crego [12]. He was born 1783 in Dutchess, New York, USA [12].
- Polly Crego [12]. She was born 1791 in Dutchess, New York, USA [12].
- John S Crego [12]. He was born 1787 in Dutchess, New York, USA [12].
- Francelo Crego [12].
Generation 6: William Ventress and Mary Crego. They had 12 children.
Mary Crego-6 (Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[21, 14]. She was born on 02 Jul 1764 in Rumbout, Dutchess, New York, USA[21, 14]. Her death on 21 Aug 1852 (, Clinton, Ohio, USA)[21, 14].
William Ventress. He was born on 04 Dec 1771 in New Haven,New Haven,CT [14]. He died on 27 Feb 1838[14].
- Benjamin Van Tress [14]. He was born on 03 Dec 1787 in Dutchess,NY[14]. He died on 05 Jun 1843 in Clay Twp.,Auglaize,OH[14].
- Sylvester Van Tress [14]. He was born Abt. 1814 in Dutchess,NY[14]. He died on 29 Jun 1848 in Clinton,OH[14].
- William Van Tress [14]. He was born on 10 Jan 1812 in Dutchess,NY[14]. He died on 04 Aug 1852[14].
- Sally Van Tress [14]. She was born on 17 Dec 1804 in Dutchess,NY[14]. She died on 21 Feb 1843[14].
- Morgan L. Van Tress [14]. He was born on 02 Sep 1802 in Dutchess,NY[14]. He died on 04 Sep 1836 in Clinton,OH[14].
- Elizabeth Van Tress [14]. She was born on 17 Apr 1800 in Dutchess,NY[14].
- Loura Van Tress [14]. She was born on 26 Apr 1798 in Dutchess,NY[14].
- Archibald Van Tress [14]. He was born on 18 Nov 1795 in Dutchess,NY[14]. He died on 24 May 1855 in Clinton,OH[14]. Burial in Sharon Meth Church Cemetery, Kingman, Clinton,OH[14].
- James Van Tress [14]. He was born on 08 Nov 1793 in Dutchess,NY[14].
- Cena Van Tress [14]. She was born on 23 Oct 1791 in Dutchess,NY[14]. She died on 24 Feb 1853[14].
- Richard Van Tress [14]. He was born on 26 Nov 1789 in Of,Dutchess,NY[14]. He died on 04 Aug 1876 in Clinton,Ohio [14].
- Polly Van Tress [14]. She was born on 06 Dec 1785 in Dutchess,NY[14].
Generation 6: Stephen Crego and Molly. They had 5 children.
Stephen Crego-6 (Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[28, 18]. Baptism on 20 Mar 1756[28]. He was born on 20 Mar 1756 in Fishkill, Dutchess, New York[28, 18]. He died Abt. 1803[18]. Residence in New York[28].
- Cyrus Crego [18]. He was born Abt. 1780 in New York [18].
- Durlin Crego [18]. He was born Abt. 1794 in New York [18]. He died on 31 Aug 1848 in Arcadia, Wayne, New York[18].
- Daniel Crego [18]. He was born Abt. 1778 in New York [18].
- Stephen Crego [18]. He was born Abt. 1776 in New York [18].
- Anna Crego[36, 37, 38]. She was born 1776 in Canaan, Columbia County, NY[38]. She married John Stranahan. They were married 1794 in Dutchess, New York, USA[37]. Residence 1860 in Washington, Macomb, Michigan[39]. She died on 14 Apr 1871 in Lapeer,Lapeer,Michigan,USA[37, 38, 18].
Generation 6: David Crego and Susannah Poultney. They had no children. David Crego and unknown spouse. They had 1 child.
David Crego-6 (Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[16, 29, 30]. He was born 1773 in Columbia, New York, USA[16, 30]. Residence 1860 in Claverack, Columbia, New York[29]. He died on 04 Mar 1869[16].
Susannah Poultney [16]. She died on 10 Feb 1848 [16].
- Thankful Mcalpine [16]. She was born 1803 in Columbia, New York, USA [16]. She died on 18 Dec 1875 in Penn Yan[16].
Generation 7: Aron Crego and Nancy Diefendorf. They were married 1811[23]. They had 10 children.
Aron Crego-7 (John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[13, 33, 34, 23, 35]. His birth 1787 (Warren, Herkimer Co, NY)[13, 33, 34, 23, 35]. Soldier 1812 in War of 1812. Residence 1860 (Newstead, Erie, New York)[34]. He died on 08 Nov 1864 in Hunts Corners, Erie Co, NY[13, 23, 35].
Nancy Diefendorf is the daughter of John Diefendorf and Margaretha Fox [23, 35]. She was born on 18 Oct 1784[40]. She died on 24 Mar 1863 in Hunts Corners, Erie Co, NY.
- Margaret Crego[41]. She was born on 07 Jul 1813 in New York, USA[42]. She married Ralph Sutphin. They were married 1833 in New York, USA[41].
- Jane Crego[42]. She was born on 10 Dec 1811[23].
- John Crego [23]. He was born on 25 Jan 1816 [23].
- Gibson Crego [23]. He was born on 16 Apr 1818 [42]
- Aaron B. Crego[23, 43, 42]. He was born on 18 May 1821 in Clarence, Erie, New York, USA[23, 35]. He married Charity Van Tine. They were married on 27 Apr 1859 [35]. Enlisted on 29 Aug 1864 in Union Army, Civil War, Jackson, MI. Residence 1870 (Atlas, Genesee, Michigan)[43]. He died on 03 Apr 1906 in Flint, Genesee, Michigan, USA[23, 35].
- Dolly Crego[23, 44]. She was born on 18 Jul 1823[42, 44]. Residence Bet. 1870–1880 in Royalton. She died Bet. 1881–1900 in Niagara County, New York.
- Elizabeth Crego [23]. She was born on 18 Jul 1825 [42].
- George C. Crego[23, 45]. He was born on 02 Feb 1827[46, 45]. Census 1850 (Newstead, NY, pg 228). Residence 1850 (Newstead, NY). He died on 25 Nov 1907 in Hunts Corner, Erie, New York, USA[42, 46].
- Rudolph Crego [42]. He was born on 18 Mar 1831 [42].
- Jacob D. Crego[23, 47]. His birth on 19 Mar 1835 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY)[47]. He died on 17 Apr 1895 in Lockport, Niagara, New York, USA[23]. Residence 1897 in 130 Spalding Street, Lockport NY.
Generation 7: John Stranahan and Anna Crego. They were married 1794 in Dutchess, New York, USA[37]. They had 4 children.
Anna Crego-7 (Stephen Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[36, 37, 38]. She was born 1776 in Canaan, Columbia County, NY[38]. Residence 1860 in Washington, Macomb, Michigan[39]. She died on 14 Apr 1871 in Lapeer,Lapeer,Michigan,USA[37, 38, 18].
John Stranahan is the son of John Stranahan and Lucy Buck [37]. He was born 1776 in Canaan, Columbia, New York, USA[37]. Burial 1864 in Goodrich Cemetery, Bruce, Macomb Co, MI. He died on 29 Dec 1864 in Romeo, Macomb, Michigan, USA[37].
- Permelia Millie Stranahan [37]. She was born on 06 Jul 1799 in ,,New York,USA [37, 38]. Residence 1870 in Almont, Lapeer, Michigan [38]. She died on 25 Feb 1877 in , Macomb, Michigan, USA[37, 38].
- Farrand Stranahan [38]. He was born 1809 in , , Vermont, USA [38]. He died 1810 in Almont, Lapeer, Michigan, USA[38].
- Peleg Stranahan [38]. She was born 1796 in Caanan, Columbia, New York, USA[38]. She died 1802 [38].
- John G Stranahan [38]. He was born on 13 Jun 1810 in Canaan, Columbia, New York, USA[38]. He died on 16 Mar 1881 in Romeo, Macomb, Michigan, USA[38].
Generation 8: Jacob D. Crego and Anna O'Connell. They had 2 children.
Jacob D. Crego-8 (Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[23, 47]. His birth on 19 Mar 1835 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY)[47]. He died on 17 Apr 1895 in Lockport, Niagara, New York, USA [23]. Residence 1897 in 130 Spalding Street, Lockport NY.
Anna O'Connell. Her birth on 27 Dec 1841 (NY). She died on 31 Mar 1915 in Lockport, Niagara Co NY.
Notes for Anna O'Connell: General Notes: 1900 census she is living with Aaron and his wife, and census indicates her parents were born inScotland
- Frank Crego[50, 51, 52, 53]. His birth on 12 Mar 1864 (Newstead, Erie County NY)[50, 51, 52, 53]. Town Justice Bet. 1881–1886 (Newstead, Erie County NY). He married Ernestine Augustine Wilhelmina Damerow. They were married Abt. 1888. Residence 1910 in 294 Locust Street. Occupation 1930 (Painter & Paperhanger). Census 1930 in Block 298 (4th Ward Lockport). Burial 1940 in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport NY. His death on 06 Nov 1940 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY).
- Aaron Crego. He was born on 22 Jun 1861. Occupation 1898 (Painter & Paperhanger). Residence 1900 in 163 Mulberry Street. He died on 30 Nov 1909.
Generation 8: Ralph Sutphin and Margaret Crego. They were married 1833 in New York, USA[41]. They had 5 children.
Margaret Crego-8 (Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[41]. She was born on 07 Jul 1813 in New York, USA[42].
Ralph Sutphin [42]. He was born 1815 in New York, USA [41]. He died on 14 Mar 1864 in Gratiot, Michigan, USA[41].
- Miranda Sutphin [41]. She was born on 12 Nov 1834 in New York, USA [41]. She died on 16 Nov 1906[41].
- Derrick A Sutphin [41]. He was born 1834 in New York, USA [41]. He died 1878 [41].
- Martin Van Dyke Sutfin [41]. He was born 1847 in New York, USA [41].
- Loren M Sutphin [41]. He was born on 05 Apr 1852 in Niagara, New York, USA [41].
- Margaret Sutfin [41]. She was born 1838 in New York, USA [41].
Generation 8: Ensign Noble and Jane Crego. They had 2 children.
Jane Crego-8 (Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[42]. She was born on 10 Dec 1811[23].
Ensign Noble[42].
- Nancy Brown. She was born 1846.
- James Brown. He was born 1848.
Samuel Brown.
Samuel Brown and Jane Crego. They had no children.
Generation 8: Aaron B. Crego and Charity Van Tine. They were married on 27 Apr 1859[35]. They had 5 children.
Aaron B. Crego-8 (Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[23, 43, 42]. He was born on 18 May 1821 in Clarence, Erie, New York, USA[23, 35]. Enlisted on 29 Aug 1864 in Union Army, Civil War, Jackson, MI. Residence 1870 (Atlas, Genesee, Michigan)[43]. He died on 03 Apr 1906 in Flint, Genesee, Michigan, USA[23, 35].
Charity Van Tine [35].
- Abraham Crego. His birth 1853 (New York).
- Emma Crego. Her birth 1860 (Michigan).
- Fred Crego. His birth 1865 (Michigan).
- Frank Crego. His birth 1866 (Michigan).
- William Crego. His birth 1869 (Michigan).
Eliza Davidson [42].
Aaron B. Crego and Eliza Davidson. They were married on 27 Apr 1859. They had 1 child.
- George Gerard Crego[35]. He was born on 20 Apr 1862 in Atlas, Genesee, Michigan, USA[35]. He died on 05 Dec 1944 in Flint, Genesee, Michigan, USA[35].
Generation 8: Horace B. Mitchell and Dolly Crego. They had 5 children.
Dolly Crego-8 (Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[23, 44]. She was born on 18 Jul 1823[42, 44]. Residence Bet. 1870–1880 in Royalton. She died Bet. 1881–1900 in Niagara County, New York.
Notes for Dolly Crego: General Notes: 1850 Census for Royalton, Niagara County- Horace and Dolly live next door to Gibson Crego and his wife. Gibson was Dolly's brother. Wife is listed as Laura, not Lena. Also next door on the other side is a Samuel Brown, age 23 - could be the same Samuel Brown who married Dolly's sister Jane Crego?
Horace B. Mitchell [42, 44, 48, 49]. He was born Dec 1817 in Ontario, Canada[48, 49]. Residence 1880 in Royalton, Niagara, New York, United States[44].
- Almer Mitchell. He was born 1848.
- Alma Mitchell. She was born 1848.
- Carlos E. Mitchell [44]. He was born 1849 in New York [44]. Residence 1880 in Royalton, Niagara, New York, United States[44].
- Helen E. Mitchell [44]. She was born 1855 in New York [44]. Residence 1880 in Royalton, Niagara, New York, United States[44].
- Melvin E. Mitchell. He was born 1867 in New York [44]. Residence 1880 in Royalton, Niagara, New York, United States[44].
Generation 8: George C. Crego and Fanny Kroll. They had 2 children.
George C. Crego-8 (Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[23, 45]. He was born on 02 Feb 1827[46, 45]. Census 1850 (Newstead, NY, pg 228). Residence 1850 (Newstead, NY). He died on 25 Nov 1907 in Hunts Corner, Erie, New York, USA[42, 46].
Fanny Kroll [42, 45]. She was born 1831 in New York [45]. Residence 1880 in Newstead, Erie, New York, United States[45].
- Frank Crego[45]. He was born May 1854[45]. Residence 1880 in Newstead, Erie, New York, United States[45].
- Alice Crego [45]. She was born 1858 in New York [45]. Residence 1880 in Newstead, Erie, New York, United States[45].
Generation 9: Frank Crego and Ernestine Augustine Wilhelmina Damerow. They were married Abt. 1888. They had 1 child.
Frank Crego-9 (Jacob D. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[50, 51, 52,
53]. His birth on 12 Mar 1864 (Newstead, Erie County NY) [50, 51, 52, 53]. Town Justice Bet. 1881–1886 (Newstead, Erie County NY). Residence 1910 in 294 Locust Street. Occupation 1930 (Painter & Paperhanger). Census 1930 in Block 298 (4th Ward Lockport). Burial 1940 in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport NY. His death on 06 Nov 1940 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY).
Ernestine Augustine Wilhelmina Damerow is the daughter of Gottfried Wilhelm Damerow and Frederika Justine Brauer?[54, 55, 51]. She was born on 18 Jul 1867 in Trampe, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Prussia[54, 51]. Immigration 1873 in according to 1930 US Census. Arrival on 16 Oct 1873 (New York)[54]. Confirmation 1881 in St. Johannes Evan. Lutheran Church, St. Johnsburg, NY. Residence 1910 in 294 Locust Street. Naturalization 1930 in NOT naturalized on 1930 Census. Burial 1940 in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport NY. Her death on 01 Apr 1940 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY). Departure in Hamburg, Germany and Southampton, England[54]. Custom in Germany[54]. DESTINATION was United States of America[54].
- William Jacob Crego[56, 57, 51]. His birth on 07 Jul 1894 (NY)[56, 57, 51]. He married Genevieve Cecilia Kirkman. They were married on 30 Jan 1919 in St Joseph's Old Cathedral, Buffalo NY. Occupation 1930 (Policeman - Lockport Police Dept). Residence 1930 in Lockport, Niagara, New York[51]. His death on 06 Feb 1990 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY)[57]. SSN Issued was New York[57].
Generation 9: George Gerard Crego and Matilda Park. They had 3 children.
George Gerard Crego-9 (Aaron B. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[35]. He was born on 20 Apr 1862 in Atlas, Genesee, Michigan, USA[35]. He died on 05 Dec 1944 in Flint, Genesee, Michigan, USA[35].
Matilda Park.
- Robert Crego.
- Ruth Crego.
- Alva Crego
Generation 9: Frank Crego and Florence. They had 4 children
Frank Crego-9 (George C. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[45]. He was born May 1854[45]. Residence 1880 in Newstead, Erie, New York, United States[45].
Florence. She was born Jul 1859. .
- Grace Crego. She was born Mar 1879.
- Benton Crego. He was born Sep 1872.
- George Crego. He was born Apr 1888.
- Roy Crego. He was born Dec 1891.
Generation 9: Aaron Crego and Anna Jellings. They had 7 children.
Aaron Crego-9 (Jacob D. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1). He was born on 22 Jun 1861. Occupation 1898 (Painter & Paperhanger). Residence 1900 in 163 Mulberry Street. He died on 30 Nov 1909.
Anna Jellings. Her birth Jul 1866 (New York). Burial 1921 in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport NY. Her death on 20 Feb 1941 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY). Notes for Anna Jellings: General Notes: Parents born in England according to 1900 census
- Kittie Crego. She was born on 12 Jan 1890.
- Howard B. Crego. He was born on 02 Jun 1893. He died on 09 Mar 1961. Nickname in "Deck".
- Priscilla Crego. She was born Dec 1895. She died on 02 Aug 1958.
- May Belle Crego. She was born Mar 1898. She died on 09 Apr 1958.
- Maretta Crego. She died on 28 Dec 1997.
- Bertha Crego.
- Azalea Crego. She was born on 23 Apr 1908. She died on 24 Mar 1972.
Generation 10: William Jacob Crego and Genevieve Cecilia Kirkman. They were married on 30 Jan 1919 in St Joseph's Old Cathedral, Buffalo NY. They had 8 children.
William Jacob Crego-10 (Frank Crego-9, Jacob D. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1)[56, 57, 51]. His birth on 07 Jul 1894 (NY)[56, 57, 51]. Residence 1930 in Lockport, Niagara, New York[51]. Occupation 1930 (Policeman - Lockport Police Dept). His death on 06 Feb 1990 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY)[57]. SSN Issued was New York[57].
Genevieve Cecilia Kirkman is the daughter of Matthias Kirchman and Rose Elizabeth Riegle [58]. She was born on 28 Apr 1898 in Swormville, Erie Co, NY[58]. Her death on 26 Aug 1983 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY)[58]. SSN Issued was New York[58].
- Virginia Rose Crego [59]. Her birth on 09 Feb 1922 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY)[59]. Burial 1988 in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport NY. Her death on 03 Oct 1988 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY)[59]. SSN Issued was New York[59].
- William Jacob Crego Jr. His birth on 03 Jul 1925 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY). He married Mary Suchetzky. They were married on 09 May 1953. Burial 1992 in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport NY. His death on 02 Aug 1992 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY).
- Charles Roy Crego. His birth on 10 Feb 1928 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY). His death on 17 Jun 1979 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY).
- Frank E Crego. His birth on 08 Jan 1930 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY). Military Service 1952 (Korean Conflict, killed in action). He died on 05 Sep 1952 in Korea. Awarded in Purple Hearts.
- Ruth Crego. Her birth on 16 Nov 1933 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY). She married Donald Ruberto. Their marriage on 07 Sep 1957 (Lockport, Niagara Co, NY).
- Mary Jane Crego. Her birth on 13 Jun 1935 (Lockport, Niagara Co, NY). She married Herbert Elmer Walker. They were married on 04 Dec 1981.
- Carol Anne Crego. Her birth on 24 May 1939 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY). She married Duane George Jones. Their marriage on 10 Oct 1960 (Lockport, Niagara Co, NY).
- Flora Grace Crego. Her birth on 10 May 1920 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY). Her death on 19 May 1920 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY).
Generation 10: Alva Crego and Marion Margaret Stewart. They had 3 children
Alva Crego-10 (George Gerard Crego-9, Aaron B. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1).
Marion Margaret Stewart.
- Stewart Crego.
- Norman Crego.
- Alan Crego.
Generation 10: Howard B. Crego and Viola Schultz. They had 1 child.
Howard B. Crego-10 (Aaron Crego-9, Jacob D. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1). He was born on 02 Jun 1893. He died on 09 Mar 1961. Nickname in "Deck".
Viola Schultz.
- Aaron Crego.
Generation 10: Allen Saunders and Priscilla Crego. They had 1 child.
Priscilla Crego-10 (Aaron Crego-9, Jacob D. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1). She was born Dec 1895. She died on 02 Aug 1958.
Allen Saunders.
- William Saunders.
Generation 10: Edward Mulvey and May Belle Crego. They had 1 child.
May Belle Crego-10 (Aaron Crego-9, Jacob D. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1). She was born Mar 1898. She died on 09 Apr 1958.
Edward Mulvey.
1. Jean Mary Mulvey. She was born on 27 Oct 1925. Burial 1996 in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport NY. Her death on 08 Dec 1996 (Lockport, Niagara Co NY).
Generation 10: Charles Locher and Maretta Crego. They had 1 child.
Maretta Crego-10 (Aaron Crego-9, Jacob D. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1). She died on 28 Dec 1997.
Charles Locher.
- Margaret Locher.
Generation 10: Albert Woods and Azalea Crego. They had 2 children.
Azalea Crego-10 (Aaron Crego-9, Jacob D. Crego-8, Aron Crego-7, John S Crego-6, Richard Crego-5, Margaret Dutcher-4, Roelof De Duyster-3, Cornelius De Duyster-2, Dierck Cornelius De Duyster-1). She was born on 23 Apr 1908. She died on 24 Mar 1972.
Albert Woods. He was born on 22 Jul 1905. He died on 29 Oct 1993.
- David Woods.
- Alfred Woods.
- Henry Whittemore, Our colonial ancestors and their descendants: historical, genealogical, biographical (University of Wisconsin - Madison, Printed by the Hungerford-Holbrook Co., 1902).
- Ellery Bicknell Crane, Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of Worcester County, Massachusetts: with a history of Worcester Society of Antiquity, Volume 4 (Lewis Pub. Co., 1907).
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Roelof De Duyster.
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Jan Willemszen De Duyster.
- New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, The New York genealogical and biographical record, Volume 41 (New York, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1910, 1910), The Dutcher Family.
- Collections of the New York Historical Society for the year ..., Volume 30, Will of Stephen Crego April 1760 Crum Elbow Dutchess County NY.
- The history of Captain Richard Stillwell, son of Lieutenant Nicholas Stillwell, and his descendants (Provo, UT, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online. Record for.
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Josias Crego.
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Stephen Crego.
- Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006),, Database online. Record for John Crego.
- By E. B. O'Caliaghan, The Documentary History of the State of New-York (, 1851).
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Abraham Crego.
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for John S Crego.
- Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006),, Database online. Record for Mary Crego.
- 1800 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004),, Database online. Canaan, Columbia, New York, roll 22, page 1248, image 247. Record for Richard Crego.
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for David Crego.
- Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006),, Database online. Record for George Crego.
- Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006),, Database online. Record for Stephen Crego.
- Will of Richard Crego Proved May 30 1815.
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Jannetje Crego.
- Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006),, Database online. Record for Mary Losee.
- Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006),, Database online. Record for Anna Dorland.
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Aaron Crego.
- Kelly, Arthur and Nancy, New York Births and Baptisms, Southeast Region, 1660-1916 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 1999),, Database online. Record for Abraham.
- 1840 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004),, Database online. , Chenango, New York, roll 273, page 237. Record for Abram Crego.
- Kelly, Arthur and Nancy, New York Births and Baptisms, Southeast Region, 1660-1916 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 1999),, Database online. Record for Josias.
- Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006),, Database online. Record for Richard Crego.
- Kelly, Arthur and Nancy, New York Births and Baptisms, Southeast Region, 1660-1916 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 1999),, Database online. Record for Stephen.
- 1860 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004),, Database online. Claverack, Columbia, New York, post office Claverack, roll M653_737, page 522, image 525. Record for David Crego.
- 1850 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online. Claverack, Columbia, New York, roll M432_491, page 35, image 74. Record for David Crego.
- 1850 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online. New Lebanon, Columbia, New York, roll M432_492, page 6, image 358. Record for Geo Crego.
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Chauncey Crego.
- 1850 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online. Newstead, Erie, New York, roll M432_499, page 234, image 146. Record for Aaron Crego.
- 1860 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004),, Database online. Newstead, Erie, New York, post office Clarence, roll M653_750, page 326, image 66. Record for Aaron Crego.
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Aaron B Crego.
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Anna Crego.
- Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006),, Database online. Record for Anna Crego.
- Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006),, Database online. Record for Anna Crego.
- 1860 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004),, Database online. Washington, Macomb, Michigan, post office Romeo, roll M653_553, page 724, image 295. Record for Anna Stranaham.
- 1850 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),
-, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.),, Database online. Record for Ralph Sutphin.
- Walter Bell, The Devendorf Family (St. Johnsville, NY, reprinted from Enterprise & News, 1932).
- 1870 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2003),, Database online. Atlas, Genesee, Michigan, post office Grand Blanc, roll 671, page 421, image 62. Record for Orren Crego.
- 1880 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online. Royalton, Niagara, New York, ED 191, roll T9_901, page 327.2000, image 0236. Record for Horrace Mitchell.
- 1880 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online. Newstead, Erie, New York, ED 101, roll T9_827, page 94.4000, image 0376. Record for George Crego.
- Grave of George C. Crego Hunts Corners Church.
- 1850 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online. Newstead, Erie, New York, roll M432_499, page 234, image 146 Record for Jacob Crego.
- 1900 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004),, Database online. Lockport Ward 3, Niagara, New York, ED , roll , page. Record for Horace B Mitchell.
- 1870 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2003),, Database online. Royalton, Niagara, New York, post office Gasport, roll 1055, page 513, image 416. Record for Horace B Mitchell.
- 1870 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2003),, Database online. Newstead, Erie, New York, post office Akron, roll 931, page 465, image 236. Record for Frank Crego.
-, 1930 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2002),, Database online. Lockport, Niagara, New York, ED 18, roll 1617, page , image 374.0. Record for Frank Crego.
- 1920 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online. Lockport Ward 4, Niagara, New York, ED , roll , page , image 214 Record for Frank Crego.
- 1900 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004),, Database online. Lockport Ward 3, Niagara, New York, ED , roll , page. Record for Frank Cregs.
-, New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006),, Database online. Record for Cineshe Damerow.
- 1880 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online. Wheatfield, Niagara, New York, ED 193, roll T9_901, page 383.2000, image 0348. Record for Gottfried Dameron.
-, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005),, Database online. Roll 1818601, DraftBoard 1 Record for William J Crego.
-, Social Security Death Index (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2008),, Database online. Record for William J. Crego.
-, Social Security Death Index (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2008),, Database online. Record for Genevieve Crego.
-, Social Security Death Index (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2008),, Database online. Record for Virginia R. Crego.